The 4 Simple Step Blueprint to Reclaim Stability, Consistency & Confidence So You Can Thrive In Your Business

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We never think of doctors as struggling with their health, but my isolating and exhausting struggle with PMDD kept me stuck and hopeless about growing my practice for years.

I knew I had to get my PMDD rollercoasters under control or all that I was building would slip through my fingers.

So let me ask you...

Is PMDD hurting you and your business?

Struggling to do the bare minimum in your premenstrum?

Can’t stay consistent and confidently show up in your business for half the month?

On top of things with your business plan, until bam!...

Everything comes crashing down?!!!

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The 4 Simple Step Blueprint to Reclaim Stability, Consistency & Confidence So You Can Thrive In Your Business

Discover how to get off the emotional rollercoaster so that you can thrive in your business and say YES to the things you want in life.

I’m a doctor.  But, I’m a woman first.

I'm a doctor but more importantly, I’m a woman with my own painful experience of PMDD. I get it. I really do!

While PMDD was in control of my life, I couldn't be the psychologist and business owner I wanted to be. I’d have a good couple of weeks before it all came crashing down and I felt like I was back to square one. I’d go from survival mode to catch up mode, scrambling to get everything done before crashing again.

With all this going on, my business was seriously suffering. To be honest, it was almost non-existent.

I knew I wasn't the only one. I saw other women with PMDD dreading their luteal phase and hoping to come out the other end with their life and business intact.

I knew something needed to change. 

I went on a mission to build balance, stability and confidence in my life so that I can consistently run a business I feel proud of. I’m here to tell you that IT IS POSSIBLE. And it is possible for YOU too!

I now run my own psychology and coaching practice. My mission is helping people with PMDD – just like you – to get off the emotional rollercoaster and enjoy calm and stability so they can run their business with confidence and consistency.

The PMDD struggle is real but it doesn’t have to be your reality.


From seeing no way out of the PMDD darkness...

To "the most consistent sense of calm in my entire life!!"

When Jackie and I started working together, PMDD had her going down an awful downward spiral.

“I was in a deep dark place. I was hit by these sudden bouts of deep, dark depression once a month. I felt like I had lost control of my life.“

She works as a freelancing writer and PMDD was affecting her sense of self-worth so much that she wanted to quit her job.

The PMDD Empowerment Program changed all that! Jackie says:

I've got to this place of calm, acceptance and compassion for myself... so that I can navigate the world and my life with grace and ease.

I don't think I've ever felt such a consistent sense of calm in my entire life.“

Jackie, 28, USA, Freelance writer

From feeling helpless and quitting work...

To confidence and taking on new clients

Josy was struggling with PMDD and intense episodes of depression, anxiety, anger and rage. She even stopped working because of this.

“I had a limiting view of my future. Like, I don't have a future...I was so frustrated and helpless.“

Josy joined The PMDD Empowerment Program and her PMDD symptoms reduced significantly in just 2 months.

She found new confidence to start working again, took on new clients and knows how to set her schedule to get the most of out each cycle.

She said: “I have all these positive ideas for my work... I am not feeling that emptiness about my future anymore.“

Josy, 35, Venezuela, Artist

From PMDD and considering a hysterectomy...

To her cycle being a "source of strength and resilience"!

Laura was at the point of talking to her gynecologist about getting a hysterectomy.

“I was totally fed up with my menstrual cycle. I felt like it was really hopeless and draining my life. I was dreading every month and wondered, can I have a normal life?!“

Laura joined The PMDD Empowerment Program, and it was exciting to watch her huge transformation:

“It's given me this really new perspective, it's kind of revolutionary really.

I really feel like my cycle is actually a source of strength and a source of resilience and helps me stay on track.“

Laura, 43, Canada, Therapist, Gardener

From anxiety and suicidal thoughts...

To feeling empowered and better relationships

“I seriously struggled with anxiety, depression and self doubt for a long time. There were times when I self harmed and did not want to live any more.

Helena worked with me to build self-acceptance, kindness and compassion as well as strategies to manage my difficult emotions .

I am better at self-care, communicating my needs and feel empowered to make the right choices for my life and my business. This work has literally changed my life!

I feel empowered and I'm enjoying my work and building my business.

There has been a huge change in how I parent my children and how I'm with my partner. There is so much more ease, lightness and predictability in our home.“

Julie, 28, USA, Coach

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